Strength & Conditioning Gym Bedford

Improve Your Health.

Recover From Injuries.

be happy.

Our team of fitness coaches and nutrition experts can

help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Talk with a coach. Set goals. Make a plan.


Strength Made Simple is a Strength & Conditioning Gym based at Bedford Blues Rugby Club, designed to aid you with your health and fitness goals. Our focus is on the individuality of our clients, including rehabilitation, fat loss, strength training and all round improved health.

Designed by Jamie Bain an experienced Strength and Conditioning Coach with 15 years experience including a decade in professional rugby, our programming and Personal Training sessions consist of the most efficient training methods, simple and easy to follow nutrition protocols, a fun and energetic environment and most importantly practical advice to help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re a full time athlete, taking up a new hobby or a retiree seeking improved movement we have experience for all needs.

Who we’ve worked with:


Personal Training

Work with one of our expert coaches to fast-track your results and receive the personalised attention you deserve.

Group Training

Get healthier. Build connections. Be happier. Join our community and reach your goals faster with group training.

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